Articles by Inward Breathwork

Breathwork vs. Meditation: Reasons to Choose One or the Other

breathwork Aug 19, 2021

Now more than ever, people are looking for ways to prioritize their wellness. There are many options that can offer great benefits, such as traditional practices like meditation or newly-popular techniques such as breathwork. Both are great options, but they are often pitted against each other.

Breathwork and meditation are both forms of mindfulness exercises that can help treat stress. However, they each have their own unique benefits, too. If you’re wondering whether to choose one or the other (or even practice both), this article will explain the following:

  • An Overview Of Breathwork
  • An Overview Of Meditation 
  • Key Factors When Comparing Breathwork & Meditation
  • 6 Reasons to Choose Breathwork Over Meditation
  • 6 Reasons to Choose Meditation Over Breathwork
  • How to Get Started With Breathwork
  • 6 Best Breathwork Techniques for Meditation & Mindfulness
  • The Bottom Line: Breathwork or Meditation?

To better understand the differences between the two, let’s start by exploring what e...

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13 Breathwork Exercises to Practice Daily for Improved Wellness

breathwork Aug 19, 2021

There’s been a lot of talk about breathwork as a wellness practice lately. For those unfamiliar with the practice, you might be having a hard time understanding the hype. You might even find yourself intimidated by the idea of trying it out. Fortunately, breathwork isn’t as complicated as it might sound.

While there are more advanced practices, there are many quick and easy breathwork techniques that can be incorporated into your daily routine. With regular practice, they will help you improve your overall wellness. If you’re interested in adding breathwork to your daily routine, this article will cover everything you need to know:

  • An Introduction to Breathwork Exercises and Their Benefits
  • 13 Breathwork Exercises to Improve Your Health & Wellbeing
  • 6 Easy Ways to Incorporate Breathwork Exercises Into Your Daily Routine

Before we explore some breathing exercises you can start doing today, we’ll look at why breathwork is incredibly beneficial.

Interested in using an app to pract...

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11 Breathing Exercises to Strengthen Lungs & Increase Capacity

breathwork Aug 19, 2021

Keeping our lungs healthy is so crucial to our overall quality of life. Their strength and capacity can impact the quality of our breathing and our ability to perform physical activities. Everyone’s life circumstances will have effects on their lung health, and sometimes they’re for the worse.

Luckily, there are several methods – including breathwork – that can help your lungs rebuild their strength and capacity. This article will explain how to strengthen lungs and breathing, and introduce you to breathing exercises to strengthen lungs. What’s more, you can easily do most of these exercises without training or certification. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Can You Strengthen Your Lungs?
  • How to Increase Lung Capacity Naturally
  • 11 Best Breathing Exercises to Strengthen Lungs
  • 6 Breathing Devices to Strengthen Lungs & Increase Capacity

Before we get into some breathing exercises to help lungs, let’s discuss our ability to strengthen our lungs.

Can You Strengthen Your Lungs?

If you’...

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15 Breathwork Benefits: The Science Behind Breathing Practices

breathwork Aug 19, 2021

More and more people are turning to breathwork as a way to improve their physical and mental health. However, those unfamiliar with it might have a lot of questions, especially around why they should practice it. As it turns out, there are a lot of powerful breathwork benefits that can help change your life for the better.

If you’re someone who’s wondering “What does breathwork do?”, this article will help you answer that question by covering the following:

  • What Is Breathwork and Why Is It Important?
  • 15 Scientific Benefits of Breathwork
  • How to Incorporate a Breathwork Practice Into Your Daily Routine
  • 5 Resources to Learn About Breathwork Benefits

Before we get into the benefits, let’s discuss what breathwork is and why you should practice it.

What Is Breathwork and Why Is It Important?

Breathwork refers to a variety of breathing techniques and exercises that can be used to improve one’s physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual health. It exists in a variety of ...

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35 Breathwork Apps for Guided Sessions + 9 Free Breathing Apps

breathwork Jul 29, 2021

Breathwork is growing in popularity, which means ways to learn about and practice it are in demand. Technology has provided a great opportunity to offer breathwork to people all over the world and help them discover how it can improve physical and mental health. One of the easiest ways to incorporate it into your daily routine is by using a breathwork app.

Many different breathing apps exist, so trying to find the right one for you can feel overwhelming. We’ll help you discover your options by covering the following:

  • What Is Breathwork and What Are Its Benefits?
  • Best Breathwork Apps for General Health & Well-Being
  • Best Apps for Breathwork Meditation & Mindfulness
  • Best Breathing Apps for Sleep and Relaxation
  • Best Breathwork Apps to Manage Stress & Anxiety
  • 9 Free Breathing Apps to Try Today
  • Top Features a Breathwork App Should Have

For those not sure whether they need to use a breathing exercise app, we’ll start by covering the benefits of having a breathwork practice.


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25+ Breathwork Training Courses & Certifications for Facilitators

breathwork Jul 20, 2021


As many more people are beginning to improve their wellness, breathwork has become an increasingly popular practice. While many have begun practicing breathwork for the health benefits it offers, others have explored breathwork training as a means for personal and professional growth.

If you’re ready to better yourself and others with breathwork certification, there are plenty of ways to do so. This article will help you find the best breathwork training by covering everything below:

  • What is Breathwork Training?
  • How to Become a Certified Breathwork Facilitator
  • 15 Online Breathwork Training & Certifications for Instructors
  • 7 In-Person Courses and Workshops for Facilitators
  • 6 Breathwork Courses on eLearning Websites
  • 8 Tips for Choosing the Right Breathwork Facilitator Course for You

Before we explore the incredible training programs available, let’s take a look at what breathwork training actually is.


What is breathwork training?

Breathwork training consists of learni...

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17 Breathwork Techniques to Improve Your Physical & Mental Health

breathwork Jul 20, 2021


With all the chaos in our daily lives, we sometimes forget to take a moment for ourselves. This leads to us living in a constant state of stress. Now more than ever, physical and mental self-care is important for our wellness.

Breathwork is a quick and easy practice that can be incorporated into our daily routines for this purpose, and we can even expand upon it as we progress on our individual wellness journeys. If you aren’t familiar with breathwork, this guide will help you get started with the following:

  • What is Breathwork?
  • 8 Breathwork Techniques for Beginners
  • 9 Breathwork Styles for Advanced Practitioners

If you’d like to learn more about how breathwork can help improve your wellness, keep reading. You can also focus on techniques for help with insomnia by checking out our guide to breathwork for sleep.


What is Breathwork?

Breathwork refers to a variety of breathing techniques and exercises that can help with mental, physical, and spiritual health. It involves ch...

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Harnessing the Power of Breathwork for Stress Management

We know that stress has a significant impact on our overall health. Taking steps to alleviate stress in our life isn’t just about feeling more relaxed - it can improve work performance, sleep, relationships and most notably, can improve our physical health.

Although it’s commonly advised to “take a deep breath” when we’re feeling overwhelmed, it may be hard to imagine a significant connection between the simple action of breathing and stress. However, our respiratory system is one of the most complex systems of the human body, and harnessing its power is an enormously effective way to take control of our health. 

In this article, we’ll explain the link between breathwork and stress relief, and provide easy and impactful ways in which you can begin to implement breathwork techniques to relieve stress and improve your physical and mental health. If you would also like to learn about breathing techniques to help  you cope with anxiety, check out our guide to breathwork for anxiety.


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Breathwork for Sleep: 4 Science-Backed Breathing Exercises for Better Sleep

breathwork sleep May 15, 2021

Author: Fatima Mechtab

It’s general knowledge that having a nightly routine will help you get a better night’s sleep. But if you are someone who struggles with insomnia or general anxiety, you might find it more difficult to get proper rest.

Becoming mindful of your breath can help you achieve a greater sense of calm. If you would like to improve the quality of your rest, we invite you to explore four science-backed breathing exercises for sleep. 


Sleep and Breathing: How are they connected?

There is a strong correlation between breathing and sleep, as 80% of your sleep involves slow, regular breaths. Also, nose breathing- how many of us breathe at night when we are sleeping- influences the parasympathetic nervous system, which ultimately calms the body, helping you relax.


How does breathing affect sleep?

Your breath not only affects how long it takes you to fall asleep but can also determine the overall quality of your rest. For example, when you breathe through your mouth...

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How to Improve Your HRV with Breathing Exercises & Breathwork

breathwork Mar 18, 2021
Author: Emily Hunter, MHSc RD
This is an introductory guide to help you improve your Heart Rate Variability (HRV) with breathing exercises and breathwork. Breathwork can improve the stress response of your body and mind, reduce anxiety, boost your mood, improve sleep quality, and enhance athletic performance. 
In this post we will tell you exactly what HRV is, how breathwork affects it, and provide specific breathing exercises that will increase your HRV score. Improved HRV can help improve all aspects of your life, including confidence, focus, athletic performance, and sleep.
If you're interested to learn how to increase your HRV score with breathing exercises and breathwork, read on.

What does HRV stand for?

HRV stands for Heart Rate Variability. HRV refers to the variations in time between each heart beat.

How does HRV work?

When you inhale, your heart rate (the number of times your heart beats per minute) naturally rises. When you exhale, it slows down a...
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